Joe McClain - Sep 7, 2019
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Recently, there has been a growing demand for cosmetic dentistry and there are many hot spots in Europe. As an example, for the application of veneers Turkey as a dental tourism power reduces cost without sacrificing treatment. It is a premium destination for "dental tourism".

Traveling abroad to get an aesthetic treatment for improving one's smile is growing in popularity. According to the latest research, 43% of people in the UK/USA would like to improve their smile. No wonder - the smile is the next thing a person looks at after looking in one's eyes. 

Having a great set of teeth is known to boost one's self-confidence. With some clever planning and travel, anyone can easily arrange high-quality cosmetic dentistry at a fraction of the cost of similar treatment in the UK or other European countries.

Types of Aesthetic Dentistry Treatments

Teeth Whitening

Visit a dental hygienist for professional teeth whitening to whiten the outer surface of the teeth.


Restorations with composite resins or porcelain are ideal for recovering the natural shape and aesthetics of teeth that have been damaged by tooth decay.


Are thin ceramic or resin layers that are fixed to the front of the teeth for two purposes - reinforcing their enamel and modifying their aesthetic characteristics. It is an immediate treatment that is also very durable.

Porcelain Crowns

These cover the entire visible surface of the tooth, replacing the structure that has been damaged, lost, or that requires significant aesthetic changes.

Invisalign: Invisible Invisible Orthodontics

This is a new orthodontic technique to move the teeth in a better position that is used to achieve an aesthetic change and improve the person's occlusion.

Dental Implants

These implants replace the roots of missing teeth. They are placed and subsequently fused naturally in the mandibular bone. Once they integrate perfectly, they are fixed with a crown that looks and works as if it were a natural tooth.


More on Dental Veneers

Veneers are a cosmetic dentistry treatment to improve the appearance of the person's smile. If considering dental tourism, Turkey is a renown destination for the veneers. Local dentists are able to modify the aesthetic front of the teeth, using materials that perfectly mimic the shape and color of natural teeth. What that means is a million-dollar smile accessible to anyone for a lower cost. 

Types of Veneers

There are two types of veneers - composite and porcelain. Composite veneers are made of a synthetic resin that adheres to the tooth and is molded and worked on the tooth itself.  It is an economic solution. They can sometimes be applied in just one session.

Porcelain veneers are stronger and they also tend to be much whiter. This type of restoration is perfect for patients who have more serious conditions such as fractures of the teeth, a large area to be restored or a gap between teeth. The procedure typically requires two visits to the dentist: the first to make a mold of the teeth and the next for the placement of the resin cement.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Composite is a cheaper resin and is more likely to fracture than porcelain, but it can still last between 5 and 7 years. Porcelain is a more resistant and expensive material and its duration can be around 20 years. How long they last depend on how well they are taken care of so remember to get regular checkups and maintain good oral hygiene.

Does Getting Veneers Hurt?

To apply the dental veneers it is necessary for the dentist to carve the surface tooth enamel, it can cause some slight discomfort so it is normal to apply a general anesthetic that numbs the area. Then the procedure is painless.

Once the veneers are fixed to the tooth, the first few days the person may notice a little discomfort or sensitivity in the teeth but it will pass away quickly.

How Are the Veneers Applied?

The process of applying the veneers depends on the material to be used:

- Composite veneers: these types of veneers are placed directly on the tooth. The dentist will apply the synthetic resin and begin to shape it to the tooth and then the colour can be adjusted during the application of the resin.

- Porcelain veneers: applying porcelain veneers takes more time and requires multiple dental visits. During the first visit, the doctor will assess and examine the area to be treated and take the mold of the teeth. They will discuss the required color and how natural the person wants the colour to be as well as take some photos. All this information is sent to the laboratory to prepare the veneers.

During the second visit, the doctor will place the veneers on the teeth. It is possible that another visit is necessary if any amendment is needed.

Can Veneers Be Removed / Replaced?

Depending on the materials used and regular oral care veneers can last many years offering an improved smile. Composite veneers usually need a renovation 5 or 6 years after the treatment. However, porcelain veneers last up to 20 years and can be removed and replaced with the new ones when the time comes.

Why Choose Application of Veneers Turkey?

Turkey has an excellent dental industry. The local dentists are forerunners when it comes to cosmetic dentistry. For the application of veneers Turkey represents an ideal destination where the procedure can be up to 70% cheaper than in the UK and other European countries. Their dentists bring advanced skills and their clinics are exceptional.

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