Theodore Slate - Aug 30, 2021

Alopecia is a significant loss of hair. The most common is known as androgenetic alopecia, which is due to an excess of androgens (male hormones). It usually occurs on top of one’s head and causes a sharp decrease in the thickness of hair. Hair grows at a rate of 0.35 mm per day, it is constantly growing, and then eventually falls out. For hair to grow, it needs a certain number of proteins, trace elements and vitamins to ensure its vitality and proper metabolic functioning. If this does not work properly, there can be significant hair loss.

Baldness is a hair loss that disturbs us more than we think. It is that moment when we start comparing our hair from before and now. We tend to have a different image of ourselves, and this can affect us in our daily lives because hair determines our appearance. One of the best methods of getting one’s hair back is hair transplantation.

Causes of Hair Loss

Age or genetics are not the only factors responsible for hair loss. There are many other reasons for hair loss, which is often temporary.

The first signs are the appearance of gulfs on the forehead or even a bald spot in the middle of the head. This is characterized by a loss of hair density, leaving thinning hair.

- Hormonal causes: sudden changes in hormones, such as during pregnancy.

- Nutritional causes: unbalanced diet, iron deficiency, anorexia.

- Toxic causes: such as vitamin A intoxication.

- Psychological causes: stress is one of the most common causes of hair loss.

These are the main causes of hair loss, but there are more contributing factors such as steroid adjustment, side effects of drugs (chemotherapy), improper care, scalp eczema, mechanical effects (tight braids), etc.

What Can Be Done?

Many people try all kinds of treatments, such as shampoos, tablets, lotions, etc. Which unfortunately do not give satisfactory results.

One of the most effective solutions is hair transplantation. It is a technique where there is no rejection, unlike conventional transplants. Hair transplantation is an effective treatment that improves the appearance of hair.

Nowadays, there are 2 techniques for hair transplantation:

FUE technique

This technique, also called Follicular Unit Extraction, consists of a micro removal of hair from a donor area to implant it in an area that will receive it. This technique is quite complex because it is necessary to extract them one by one and then implant them in small quantities.

This technique is scarless, thanks to the fine punch blades, the skin closes in only a few hours, and leaves no traces.

HID technique

Direct Hair Implantation is the most widely used method on the market. The hair is implanted without an incision thanks to a pen: CHOI Implanter. In addition, unlike the FUE technique, it heals much faster. Thanks to this technique, the survival rate of hair is much higher than the FUE technique.

Without a doubt, hair transplantation is a permanent and reliable solution. The techniques mentioned are the most recent and allow safe transplantation and minimize recovery time. A natural result that allows you to regain self-confidence.

Hair Transplantation in Turkey?

Turkey welcomes patients from all over the world. Every year, people are helped to regain their former hair and their self-esteem. In Turkey, the treatments are advanced and the doctors are experienced in this field.

Turkey is undoubtedly a popular destination for medical tourism. Many tourists choose to go to Istanbul for a hair transplant while enjoying the charms of the city. The rates for transplants are well below those in Europe and the United States, with a premium treatment.

Turkish clinics offer unparalleled value for money, with teams trained and equipped for a quality result. Plus, did you know that all accommodation is included in the price of the transplant? Enjoy a star hotel and citywide transfers.

You should know that the operation lasts only a few hours and there is no need for hospitalization, which allows patients to enjoy the city without spending too much money.

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