Welcome to the chilly February issue. If you are already thinking about your next summer holiday let us give you some suggestions. If you are an adventure enthusiast you might like the idea of visiting the Central Asia – specifically Kyrgyzstan. Why? More than 80 per cent of the country is covered by mountains, they have the largest lake in the world and what more – wonderful nature. Read the Destination part. If you prefer a bit of the good old Europe you might go for the Roman sites outside Italy. You would be surprised how far the Romans got. Go for the Heritage supplement.
Would you rather see some urban center? Then you might be interested in the numerous city cards offering tempting discounts and free bonuses for the visitors. Let us give you only a tiny sample of all these city passes whose numbers keep growing. Read the Professional part. Hey, divers, don’t despair! We have something even for you. The Adventure supplement opens the gate of the deep sea. However, if you feel you cannot leave the house after all those delicious cakes and cookies on your winter menu, read the Spa supplement and the smart advices of the experts on losing weight.
Milada Sovadinova