Tourism Review Online Magazine 2 / 2009

Jan 26, 2009
Dear readers,

Welcome to the chilly February issue. If you are already thinking about your next summer holiday let us give you some suggestions. If you are an adventure enthusiast you might like the idea of visiting the Central Asia – specifically Kyrgyzstan. Why? More than 80 per cent of the country is covered by mountains, they have the largest lake in the world and what more – wonderful nature. Read the Destination part. If you prefer a bit of the good old Europe you might go for the Roman sites outside Italy. You would be surprised how far the Romans got. Go for the Heritage supplement.

Would you rather see some urban center? Then you might be interested in the numerous city cards offering tempting discounts and free bonuses for the visitors. Let us give you only a tiny sample of all these city passes whose numbers keep growing. Read the Professional part. Hey, divers, don’t despair! We have something even for you. The Adventure supplement opens the gate of the deep sea. However, if you feel you cannot leave the house after all those delicious cakes and cookies on your winter menu, read the Spa supplement and the smart advices of the experts on losing weight.

Milada Sovadinova


Heritage: Romans Conquering Europe

Heritage: Romans Conquering Europe

Andrew J. Wein

- Jan 26, 2009
The ancient Roman Empire stretched over 5,9 million square kilometers of Europe and the Mediterranean. As such, Romans considerably influenced numerous nations – especially their language, religion, architecture, philosophy, law, as well as government system. The remains of the extensive empire can be found all over Europe. Why not to have a close look on some of them? Come and visit Colchester, Swiss Augusta Raurica, Roman villas on the Isle of Wight, or Spanish Aragon. Don’t worry we will not omit the Hadrian’s Wall.
Professional: Regional Travel Cards – Real Bargain?

Professional: Regional Travel Cards – Real Bargain?

Dan Rang

- Jan 26, 2009
Over one hundred destinations worldwide have launched their city cards or region passes offering attractive discounts and free extras to tourists. The cards purportedly help to increase both the tourist numbers as well as the visitor spend. Since many European cities launched such cards only recently it is still hard to say whether they are so profitable for the destinations or not. However, let’s see what some of the “smart cards” offer to the visitors as well as providers.

Active / Adventure: Welcome to the Divers’ World

Cecilia Garland

- Jan 26, 2009
Underwater restaurants, underwater hotels, underwater weddings – yes, underwater tourism is really hot. Come and see the diving spots at Isla Guadalupe or even at Green Island not far from Taiwan. Don’t miss the Shark Week in Palau or the sinking ceremony of USS Kittiwake. First of all though, take your diving gear and head to Caesarea for the fabulous and world’s first underwater museum.

Medical / Spa: Losing Weight? Only in SPA

Joe McClain

- Jan 26, 2009
Do you also have the feeling that after the holidays your clothes somehow cannot cope with your waistline any more? Or have you come to the conclusion that your chubbiness is not as cute as you thought? Then you might be interested in what the spa experts say about the best way of losing weight. Maybe you will find out that it doesn’t have to be only about starvation and drill.

Destination: KYRGYZSTAN - Land of the Tien Shan

Denise Chen

- Jan 26, 2009
Kyrgyzstan? Wait a minute, isn’t it somewhere in Africa? Not really. Come and discover the land of beautiful mountains, gorgeous wilderness, rich history and friendly people. Learn about Issyk Kul, the largest lake in the world, where you can swim and enjoy the view of snow capped mountains at the same time. Find out how many statues of Lenin can be seen in the capital Bishkek. Visit the comfortable yurts and try the local specialties. Welcome to Kyrgyzstan!