PROFESSIONAL/ Ingenious Tourism Marketing

Tourism marketing is always in need of fresh ideas and impressive projects. What are some of the latest trends? What is culpa marketing? What travel video ads are the best?


Other (Tourism)

Tourism Marketing – A Passion for Excellence

Anna Luebke

Although many tourism practitioners believe that they are marketing a destination, it might be more accurate to call travel and tourism: “marketing with a destination”. All too often, travel and tourism professionals are so businesslike that they forget that the basis of a great marketing program is "a passion-for-excellence." Tourism marketing is dependent on four intangibles: good luck, hard work, a sense of integrity, and a passion for people. New Ideas Demanded Tourism market...
Other (Tourism)

Social Media Marketing Trends for Tourism

Michael Trout

Tourism marketing teams very often use social media to promote their destinations. Below is a summary of the current trends that are most likely to play major roles in the tourism industry this year. Pictures Taking into consideration the explosion of the social media like Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook, it is clearly evident that there is a lot of emphasis on social photography. In short, it is the visual content that the public is generally interested in. This year turns out to be a big...

Culpa Marketing - It Works!

Tourism Review News Desk

One of the most powerful things out there is an apology that is heartfelt. That is what JCPenney, a chain of American department stores, seems to be hoping, as they have released a new ad campaign in May. The ad says: “We heard you, now we would like to see you.” JCPenney promises their clients that they will start to listen more to them and apologize for some recent changes. JCPenney is taking a different approach than that of Apple, which says essentially "We will tell you what ...

Top Viral Travel Video Ads

James Morris

Interesting and quirky video ads can reach audiences in every corner of the world within a few hours nowadays. With the advent of technology, the internet does the job of connecting people. This has made it easier for various service oriented businesses, such as hotels and airlines, to make use of this marketing power and spread their video spots and ads around. Gadgets aim at providing internet facilities to every user and the companies aim at creating an advertisement that is innovative in ev...