Medical / SPA: Health Spa, What Are the Outcomes?

Health spas are quite popular resorts for many patients suffering from serious diseases especially in Europe. However do they really help to the physical state and the wellbeing of the patients? Let’s see some studies focusing on the outcomes of many health spa procedures.


Is Massage Effective at All? You Bet!

Laura Maudlin

An analysis of 37 massage-therapy studies showed that massage has a significant overall effect on people, specifically in the reduction of state anxiety, blood pressure, heart rate, trait anxiety, depression and pain. "The A Meta-Analysis of Massage Therapy Research" was conducted by the staff at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Educational Psychology...

Thermal Therapy against Depression

Tourism Review News Desk

Suffering from Arrhythmias? Go to Sauna People with chronic heart failure who repeatedly go to sauna experience significant decrease of ventricular arrhythmias. Ventricular arrhythmias are irregularities in contractions of the ventricles—the lower heart chambers that pump blood to the lungs and into the aorta to the rest of the body. Ventricular arrhythmias account for about half of all deaths in people with chronic heart failure...

Improving the Quality of Life

Denise Chen

Karlova Studanka Spa in the Czech Republic recently decided to analyze the influence of their spa treatment of the patients with chronic diseases on their quality of life. A total of 167 were randomly selected (out of 3216 patients who went through the spa treatment in the given year). The evaluation of the patients considerably depended on their individualities...

Spa Therapy Benefits Parkinson's Patients

Denise Chen

Spa therapy for Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients is more cost-effective than conventional treatment alone, and results in improved quality of life, according to a study of the University Hospital in Toulouse, France...

Reducing Arterial Hypertension? Go to Health Spa

Wayne M. Gore

In the Russian health resorts there accumulated vast experience with the use of natural and artificial physical factors for the treatment of arterial hypertension. Primarily this is relevant for the prevention as well as therapy of the disease. Especially impressive are both short-term and long-term results achieved at the early stages of the disease...