Tourism Review Online Magazine 1 / 2024

Sep 2, 2024

Dear readers,

Summer holiday is over for many travelers who come home full of experience and memories. Some of them however may not be only pleasant. While empty streets during the covid times were scary for many authorities, today mass tourism is back and destinations try to regulate the influx of crowds. Explore more in the Sustainability part.

Airbnb, its skyrocketing popularity and current struggles to stay in the sunshine, are the topic of the Hospitality part. Growing numbers of cities introducing strict restrictions on shared rentals or even bans may have caused worries for Airbnb which however quickly introduced new features and functionalities. Only time will show further development.

The Adventure part focuses on the growing popularity of cycling tourism. Travelers can now pedal through the Western Balkans on a new bike path running through eight countries. They can also explore the Alps and help boost Austrian tourism industry which embraces summer activities due to the lack of snow in the winter.

The Destination part presents mesmerizing Vietnam with its numerous heritage sites and remarkable nature. While the country has a lot to offer to the visitors, still its potential is largely untapped.


Enjoy the issue!

Tourism Review Team


Sustainability/ Mass Tourism Is Back Again

Sustainability/ Mass Tourism Is Back Again

Laura Loss

- Sep 2, 2024

Two years of travel restrictions due to Covid are followed by mass tourism becoming a problem in many destinations. Tourist number restrictions, tourist taxes and fees, rental limits – these are only a few of the measures that different destinations apply in an effort the protect the residents as well as the environment. Most measures however are not as effective as the authorities hoped.

Adventure/ Cycling Tourism Gains New Audience

Adventure/ Cycling Tourism Gains New Audience

Nik Fes

- Sep 2, 2024

Cycling has always been a popular activity of people in many regions. However, over the last few years cycling tourism has been boosted extensively. For some alpine resorts, cycling has been a life saver counterbalancing warm winters and revenue loss. Even the recent Olympic Games made its mark in the world of cycling.

Hospitality/ The Success and the Struggles of Airbnb

Theodore Slate

- Sep 2, 2024

Airbnb and other shared accommodation platforms have gained immense popularity among travelers around the world. Not so much however among the residents at the destinations. The impact of vacation rentals – lack of housing, growing prices of accommodation, noise – resulted in strict regulations or even bans. After years of success, Airbnb faces new challenges. 

Destination: Unleashing Vietnam's Tourism Potential

Kevin Eagan

- Sep 2, 2024

Vietnam is a country with great potential in tourism thanks to its rich cultural heritage as well as natural gems. The tourism market benefits greatly from the ongoing cooperation with China as well as the growing presence of international hotel brands. Still, the country’s potential remains untapped in many aspects.