Internet Marketing Update

Internet marketing is quite essential for many – if not most – industries in the 21st century, including tourism. Check the latest trends in the field, learn several smart tips, and find out why social networks are an absolute must for your business.


Marketing Tourism – Content Still Rules

Nils Kraus

In this fast pace modern Internet world, companies are fighting with Internet marketing weapons to appear first, and in the process, can quite often tarnish their own reputation. MKG Hospitality’s Michael Komodromou looks at the importance of proper Internet marketing in travel and tourism, changes over the last year and what should be the next major trends within the industry. There is no doubt; the Internet has changed travel and tourism forever. It was one of the first industries to be trans...

Why Use Social Media for Tourism and Hospitality Marketing?

Samuel Dorsi

Chances are that you've already heard of many social media sites – such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and YouTube. You might already read – or write – a blog and look up information on Wikipedia. The term social media describes the technology and methods used by people to share opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives. It can take numerous different forms including text, images, audio and video. Social media is attracting millions of new users every day. ...

5 Tips for Marketing Your Tourism Business Online

Larry Brain

In order to take advantage of people's travel desires, you need to represent your brand in the online space. When you’re a small tourism or hospitality business or a new tourism or hospitality business, you are unlikely to have a huge budget put aside specifically for marketing. The great marketing conundrum of the universe is this: (brace yourself for profound insight) this is when you most need to market your business. Without growing your customer base, you can’t grow your business and withou...

Online Tourism Marketing: Now the Road Most Travelled

Pat Hyland

As the greatest communication event of our lifetime, the Internet has opened up marketing possibilities for every industry – more so for tourism than any other sector. Where travellers were once required to get their information by visiting travel agents and paging through pamphlets and books on their potential destinations, they now have everything they need to make travel decisions without ever leaving their homes. This means that the travel agent or destination trying to attract these con...

Integrated Online Marketing – Monitor, Aggregate & Share

Vanderlei J. Pollack

Social Media and Web 2.0 applications as integrative elements of the online marketing mix have grown significantly in the last few years. The most important principle of social media is the direct interaction with and between users and the exchange of information. Many tourism businesses and organizations plan to set up blogs and to increase their communication activities on social networks such as Facebook, YouTube and Flickr in the next months with the goals to generate more website traffic an...