Even Business Travel Can Be Eco-friendly

Tomas Haupt - Jan 28, 2013
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Business often requires one to travel and besides making your business more eco-friendly, you could also chip in and aim to create the same atmospheric philosophy for your day to day living. By carefully contemplating your business trips solutions, you will be chipping in to an environment that is cleaner.

Eco airports

Airports worldwide lead to the creation of carbon footprints resulting from carbon being emitted and the use of non-friendly sources of energy by the passengers. Look for airports with ground heating pumps, facilities for water recycling and wind catchers. To deal with the usage of electricity on site, a lot of airports have installed wind turbines.

Public transportation

Instead of using taxi, the use of a bus will lead to reduced carbon footprint. Moreover, walking instead of using transport is a good way to keep fit. Generally it will lead to the reduction of the amount of green gases that are released to the environment.

Eating green

The best approach instead of eating in restaurants is preparing and cooking your own food while on business travel. Natural fruits and vegetables are widely available in local supermarkets. You will also find all that you need to make your best meal. Fast foods products contain additives and ingredients that are unhealthy and should be avoided at any cost.

Green flying

We tend to pack a lot of things when going away for long trips. Things that can be easily accessed such as deodorant, toothpaste, food among others should be left out. Concentrate on the number of clothes you pack too. Luggage directly affects the amount of fuel an airplane will use. A few kilograms of luggage from your side don’t make a lot of difference, but if all the passengers take responsibility and bring along the necessities only, there would be a lot of difference. Don't pay attention to what others are doing but be an example. Moreover you will save money and time for not having bags that need to be checked in and waited for on the other side.

Doing shopping: Considering where to shop and what to buy can be of benefit to the planet. Bringing along bags made with environment friendly material while shopping and reuse plastic bags is a good place to start. Instead of shopping in big stores, aim to do your shopping in independent shops that make use of locally available infrastructure.

Environment friendly accommodation: People travelling for business should look for eco-friendly hotels. Loads amounts of energy are used by most of the modern hotels due to the need for lighting, cleaning facilities and air conditioning. You could stay with friends that are around which will also help you save a lot of your money.

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