Kevin Eagan - Sep 04, 2023

Industry experts have identified key trends in the hotel sector that aim to enhance guests' experiences and attract a more extensive customer base.

Consumers crave unique and memorable experiences that extend beyond just shopping. Imagine being able to spend a night fully immersed in the universe of your favorite brand. For instance, you could stay in the Dior Suite in Paris or Cannes. The suite has a private chef, a personal shopper, and a team available around the clock. Gucci also recently showcased its Aria collection in The Savoy's royal suite, which doubled as an immersive showroom where guests could purchase decorative elements.

The Importance of Personalization

Nowadays, customers expect personalized experiences, which can be achieved by combining technology and human contact. Digital signage is a device that can complement on-site reception by displaying customized messages. For instance, hotels use a screen in their lobby to welcome guests with a customized message that includes information on the day's weather and other practical details.

Bring a Futuristic Experience to Life

Hotels increasingly incorporate technology into their operations to streamline labor-intensive tasks and offer unique experiences. One example is the Henn Na Hotel chain in Japan, which uses a robot to greet guests and offers virtual reality spaces.

Responsible Commitment Is the New Normal for Hotels

Many customers are seeking eco-friendly hotels, and the Arctic Blue Resort in Finland is leading the way by incentivizing guests to participate in sustainable practices. By consuming less energy, engaging in eco-friendly activities, and making sustainable food choices, guests can receive a 50% discount on their stay.

Well-being for All Tastes

Tourism trends increasingly focus on promoting well-being, and hotels use their creativity to create enjoyable guest’s experiences. The Californian Beverly Hills Hotel is an excellent example of this, as they partnered with Dior to offer a Dioriviera pop-up with an ice cream parlor and treatment room by the pool. Additionally, some hotels carefully select their products, offering new and unique brands in a concept store format.

A new trend is emerging in hotel architecture and interior design, known as biophilic design. This approach incorporates natural elements such as plants to create a tranquil atmosphere. After introducing wellness spaces, this trend establishes hotels as locations for disconnecting or reconnecting.

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