Meetings Getting Green

For the last couple of years greening has been the trend affecting most of tourism. Even the meetings industry has embraced environmentally friendly policies and products. Check out the latest trends.


Sustainable Events: Don’t Worry, Be Green!

Daniel A. Tanner

I’d have a guess that events of every shape and size are held every day in every city in the world. I don’t have any hard facts on that, and they’d be pretty much impossible to gather, but if you think of every single gathering of people for a purpose, I reckon you can call that an event. A huge industry has grown around the creation of these events and armies of people are trained and turned out into the world from events courses to become headset wearing, clipboard holding, military style mult...

ISO to Develop Sustainable Event Standard in Run-up to 2012 Olympics

Laura Maudlin

No one would deny that conferences, concerts, sports competitions and festivals have clear and unique social, economic and environmental benefits. At the same time, the organization of these events can generate considerable waste and have other negative impacts. To harmonize the event industry’s global efforts to tackle this challenge, ISO (International Organization for Standardization) will develop an International Standard promoting the sustainable management of events. The standard will b...

Profile of a Sustainable Destination: Melbourne

Alec Hills

When it comes to promoting a green destination, it takes the right mix of ingredients: research, measurement, and most importantly commitment across a broad stakeholder group. Sandra Chipchase, CEO of Melbourne CVB, describes how a community of stakeholders who are willing to do something can result in amazing and transformative change. That influential stakeholder group in Melbourne involved the convention and visitors bureau, the convention center, tourism board, and local and state governm...

The CSR Confusion in the South-East Block

Gregory Dolgos

All we hear about is sustainability, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), CR (Corporate Responsibility) and a bunch of other acronyms. Everyone shows how much they know about it, how “green” their business is, and how the world will be a better place, only because this person and his/her company went “green”… But who are these people and is their perception of CSR the true one? Recently Guy Bigwood asked the great question in his blog – “What does Social Respons...