Ethical / Religious: Pro-poor Tourism

Most travelers after spending their wonderful vacation in an exciting location become interested in the life of the locals, in their joys and troubles. Some even want to help them and are interested how their vacation and their money influence the community. Can tourism help the poor? Learn about the concept of pro-poor tourism.


Pro-poor Tourism in Theory and Practice

James Morris

Pro-poor tourism is not another form of tourism as most people tend to think but it is an approach that seeks to utilize tourism as strategic tool to alleviate poverty among the marginalized communities. Any form of tourism can contribute to poverty reduction. For this to happen, specific ways need to be identified in which tourism businesses as well as tourists can directly and indirectly generate benefits for the poor. This is what Pro-Poor Tourism (PPT) is all about...

Pro-poor Tourism: What’s Gone Right And What’s Gone Wrong?

Nils Kraus

When a new term is coined, it can provide a focus for rallying attention, or it can be a diversion into a cul-de-sac of misuse and misinterpretation. Since the term ‘pro poor tourism’ (PPT) was coined in 1999, it has achieved both. Several organisations now focus on tourism-poverty linkages. But agreement on what this means in practice, and demonstrable examples that boost the real benefits for the poor from engaging in tourism, remain scarce.

The Poverty Angle of Sun, Sea and Sand - Maximizing Tourism's Contribution

Laura Maudlin

It is a stark truth that in some of the poorest but most remarkable parts of the world, tourism has consistently failed to benefit the poor. Further, for increasing numbers of tourists, this is an odious state of affairs. Yet change is possible, and 'pro-poor' tourism strategies can bring a powerful set of benefits to all those involved. This will take knowledge, imagination and effort among policymaking and business communities. Much needs to change in tourism development. As well as often app...

Linkages and Leakages

Vanderlei J. Pollack

Tourism is a major global industry, but is it good for developing countries? Since long-haul tourism to developing countries started in the late 1960s, many commentators have persistently claimed that tourism scarcely benefits the hosts. One suggested problem is the high level of leakages out of the destination country...

Go on Safari & Help Support a Community

Andrew J. Wein

Its 5.45am in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia. In the copper-grey half dawn we gather around a still smouldering camp fire and prepare for the ultimate bush experience – a walking safari in which we can expect to track and see South Luangwa’s heavy brigade of elephant, buffalo, hippo and possibly even lion...