DESTINATION/ Bulgaria: Between the East and the West

Long history, friendly atmosphere, tasty cuisine – Bulgaria is a perfect destination for summer holiday. Explore the local customs, walk through the old city of Sofia or check out the beaches.


Bulgaria – Attracting Tourists All Year Round

James Morris

The people of Bulgaria make many claims: they invented the wheel, the digital watch and the Cyrillic alphabet. But whatever the locals say they have been responsible for in the past, there is no doubt that Bulgaria is witnessing a tourist boom in the present. Recent figures suggest that as many as three million tourists visit the country each year from all over Europe, including Russia, Romania and increasingly Great Britain and Ireland. With spectacular mountain scenery, impressive cities and g...

World Heritage List: 9 Unique Landmarks

Larry Brain

Bulgaria has a total of nine landmarks included in the UNESCO’s List of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage.   Kazanluk Tomb A Thracian tomb, dated to the late 4th-early 3rdcentury B.C. The murals in the burial chamber and in the corridor are of exclusive artistic value. The tomb is located in the Tyulbeto Hillnear the town of Kazanluk. Ivanovo Rock Churches A rock monastery compound of the Holy Archangel Michael, with partially preserved churches. The murals in the Church of the Holy...

Bulgaria: Historical, Cultural, Poetic

Denise Chen

Bulgaria is a country of surprises, wild natural vistas and hosts some of the best biodiversity in Europe. Bulgaria is located in South Eastern Europe, situated in the heart of the Balkan Peninsula. Its picturesque scenery is breathtaking all year round. From the stunning 220 km of golden beaches and world famous Black Sea to the rolling mountains that are home to world class skiing resorts, Bulgaria has everything for everyone. The country boasts old and rich history. Many of the world&rsquo...

Sofia City: It Grows but Does Not Age

Samuel Dorsi

Bulgaria’s capital city, Sofia, is a unique tourism destination in Europe, most notably for its heritage and authenticity. With a 131-year history, a blend of old and new, it offers diversity, which appeals to different visitor types and demographics. Sofia, however, is most popular as a destination for business tourism in Bulgaria, being the financial and business centre of the country. The global recession that rattled economies worldwide, contributed to a fall in business travelers t...

Health Tourism: Bulgaria in Need of a Business Model

Bill Alen

Health tourism is a growing phenomenon in Europe. So what are the chances for Bulgaria? Health tourism experts from Kohl & Partner Hotel & Tourism Consulting and the Bulgarian Health Tourism Association met in Sofia in June to discuss systematic approaches for this exciting business sector. Patient Mobility in the EU According to a Gallup-survey, Eurobarometer (2007) on patient-mobility within the EU, 4% of the interviewed EU-citizens (EU27) had received a treatment in other European...