ADVENTURE/ Trends: Adventure Travel Industry

Adventure travel market is growing fast and the tourism industry stakeholders had rather get ready for the influx of holidaymakers seeking innovative experience. What kind of people these adventurers are? What are they looking for?



Adventure Tourism Dynamically Growing Worldwide

Chris Grad

In the recent years there has been an upsurge in the adventure market in line with growth in the global tourism trends as tourists shift their interest to new destinations and experiences. Statistics show that in 2012 approximately 42% of travelers from both North and South America and Europe cited an adventure activity as their last trip’s main activity according to data from Adventure Tourism Study 2013. This is a significant rise from only 26% in 2009. It is estimated that the value of out...

Who Are These Adventure Travelers?

Cecilia Garland

As global tourism continues to grow the adventure market also continues to get bigger and better. Destinations and travel companies need to know who the adventure tourists are, what their preferences are and what they plan for the next trip. One of the interesting things about adventure travelers is the fact that majority of the male adventurers are single (48%). This might be attributed to the fact that most single adventure travelers are young (around 36 yrs) compared to non-adventurers mos...

Best Adventure Travel Trips for 2014

Daniel A. Tanner

For those who like their trips to thrill, here are the best places to feel pumped in 2014. 1. Mountain Biking, Avoriaz, France Avoriaz, located in the heart of Portes du Soleil has unlimited mountain biking potential. Extensive 75km of down hills, cross-country trails opens up 25 sky lifts, which give access to some amazing tracks for the mountain bikers. The area has an advanced and developed network of trails. It is an ideal place for everyone to enjoy family riding, skill practices etc. ...

Adventure Travelers Embrace Social Media and Online Research

Cecilia Garland

Many travelers take their holiday seriously and try to find as much information as possible. Adventure tourists are no exception. Most of them have openly admitted to spending a great deal of time conducting searches relevant to their scheduled trips as well as actively following up plans likely to make their travel experiences more adventurous. The Adventure Tourism Market Study 2013 stated that the most preferred form of pre-trip preparation included online searches or consulting one’s family ...