Active / Adventure: Where Did All the Students Go?

Students and youth travelers have gained a huge share in the travel market. Many stakeholders wonder what the students really seek, what thrills them and ... how much money they have as well. Come and read about the trends in the student travel, the destination the youth prefers and the information technology students love to use when traveling.


Hey Guys! Get Out and Travel!

Richard Moor

Traveling is a compelling pastime from time immemorial. Humans love traveling; they get restless if they stay put for too long a time in one place. Traveling answers to the quest for knowing more about other people, other cultures, other customs and traditions, other ways of living, other religions, and the list goes on...

The Young Independent Traveler Trends

Richard Moor

Various studies have confirmed that travel is an increasingly important aspiration for young people around the world. They are exploring further, spending more, and demanding new types of experiences to fulfill their desire to learn about and discover the world around them. Youth travel is thus of great interest of all the stake holders. The global movement of young travellers generates exceptional financial, EUR 109 billion annually...

The Spring Break Travel Market

Dan Rang

The birds have it right when they migrate to the south, and several students seem to be following suit as they plan their spring break vacations. Already seasoned in spring break extravagance, Natalie Rogers (sophomore-marketing) is headed to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. She and 12 of her friends from Penn State will cross the border and spend March 10 to March 14 in the Mexican town. The price comes out to roughly $1,000 per person, Rogers said...

American Students Not Left Behind

Samuel Dorsi

The student and youth travel industry continues to be one of the fastest growing revenue producing segments in the travel industry. Student and youth travel is travel by youth 25 years of age and under, away from their community, not for business, and not primarily to visit friends or relatives. Student and youth travel includes: day and overnight trips and tours, domestic and international travel, and group and individual travel...