Joe McClain - Nov 14, 2019
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On holiday, many Europeans prefer to travel by car. This is due to the flexibility and independence that the car brings, and it is also an attractive means of transport. So, here, you will get to understand that nothing stands in the way of a safe and carefree car journey when it is well planned in advance. Tourism Review experts explain what matters.

Especially on trips abroad, travellers should be informed in advance about the traffic rules of the respective country they are heading to. Because already in our direct neighboring countries were other maximum speeds apply, usually higher fines with offenses, but the park rules can differ.

In terms of technical conditions, a thorough check before departure protects the traveler’s nerves and wallet.


A ride up and down with a full load is really a big test for the brakes. If the brake fluid is no longer completely fresh, the brakes may fail. Brake fluid testers (approx. 20 Euro) measures the water content in the fluid. If the tester sounds the alarm, the car should return to the workshop before the holiday.

Engine Oil

It is best to top up the oil before your holiday. It is essential to pay attention to the correct variety. An indication of which type the engine needs can usually be found on a sticker in the engine compartment. Although, in many petrol stations, corresponding lists are also available. It’s also worthwhile to consider checking the best price of motor oil in store You can also mix engine oils - any oil is better than having an oil shortage. For those who want to test the condition of the engine oil, just give a drop from the engine on an indicator paper.


According to auto experts, the number one cause of a breakdown in cars - even in summer - is the battery. It does charge up through long journeys. But in the summer, it is particularly required, for example, if a cooler is connected in addition to the air conditioning system. However, good battery testers are only available from around 200 euros. Therefore, you should take the risk of a faulty battery.

Flat Tyre

Unnoticed by many drivers, the spare wheel has disappeared from the car. A puncture occurring to a tyre, is the biggest nightmare for drivers, but statistically, it is very unlikely. Many cars come with a tire repair kit: a sealant and a compressor connected to the car battery. The set helps provisionally with small holes in the tire. With a patched tire you can drive a maximum of 80 kilometers per hour. The tyre should be replaced as soon as possible. The repair set should also be checked. However, the sealing compound becomes tough over time. If the expiration date has expired - renew!

If you don't want to rely on yourself and the technology, you can, of course, have your car checked in the workshop. Many offer a comprehensive holiday cheque for 15 to 30 euros. Such a test also includes engine oil and other fluids like brake fluid. So you top them up if necessary. It is worthwhile to have an inspection carried out in a workshop.

Car equipment abroad

Depending on the country, the regulations also differ regarding what has to be carried in the car. For example, different fines are applied if you do not have a safety vest—from no fine in Finland to 100 EUR and more in Spain. The first aid kit should also be checked for completeness and durability.

It is essential to buy vignettes in advance because those who drive only a few kilometres on the motorway without a sticker in the country in question face high fines. In some countries, for example, in Austria, in addition to the sticker version, vignettes are now also available in digital form so that they can be ordered online.

Packing the Trunk

Heavy pieces of luggage should be invited first, then lighter items. A trunk net or straps for strapping prevent parts from being thrown into the passenger compartment in the event of a breakdown or accident.

If you are unsure whether everything fits, you can test pack the car a few days in advance; then it will go faster before departure.

First-aid box, warning triangle, and warning vests should nevertheless always be at hand. When packing, also remember that the view to the back should be free.

If there is not enough space in the boot, you can considerably increase the loading volume with a roof box. You should take note that the maximum payload weight of the car is stated in the registration document.

Take Catering for the Journey

Drinks should always be taken with you because sufficient liquid is important for concentration. If you have something to eat with you, you can take a flexible break and be provided for in the event of a traffic jam.

Entertain Children

When children get bored, the journey can be exhausting. Therefore, be sure to bring games, films or audiobooks with you. It distracts and makes time pass faster. Typical car games also provide variety and fun on the ride. The auto experts recommend that children take a break every one and a half hours and stretch their legs briefly at a rest stop.

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