The National Productivity Committee in Mexico has included gastronomy as one of the eight strategic sectors to boost, "because of its huge growth potential in the next few years". This was noted by Me ...
The average price for an overnight stay in Spain is 124 Euros in August, according to figures from the monthly tHPI survey produced by the hotels search engine The survey indicates that th ...
Cleanliness is one of the biggest imperative in the hotel industry. Not all countries however can match their standards with the customers’ expectations. Slovakian hotels are the cleanest in Europe an ...
Over the last decade, the resources sector has contributed a great deal to Australia’s economic growth. Though the mining boom has slowed down considerably, casting a gloom over the country’s economy, ...
Google has always been on the move in the provision of quality service to its customers. Apparently, Google is in the process of developing a service that will enable people get alerts about hotel pri ...