More and more tourism industry professionals realize that the travel business is actually a technological business. Even the simplest trip generates large amounts of data. Gathering, indexing and unde ...
32 years ago, Chernobyl witnessed the worst nuclear accident in history. In recent years, it has become a popular tourist attraction for the nuclear tourism enthusiasts. Visitors from all over the wor ...
A recent study by the Fédération Réunionnaise du Tourisme and Ipsos Océan Indien made it possible to measure the impact of tourism industry on Reunion's economy. Between March 2017 and February 2018, ...
Virtually all issuing markets reported an increase in tourism spending in 2017 according to the UNWTO Global Tourism Barometer. However, who are the biggest travel spenders? ...
14 European cities, located mostly in Spain, have created a European network against mass tourism. The anti-tourism movement that rejects mass tourism is weaving a network to coordinate their actions ...