In Africa, the fight against poaching is increasingly at the heart of the concerns of tourism professionals. But poaching, particularly against rhinos and elephants, remains high. ...
Checked baggage, set reservation, meals. Many airline costs are now extra and bring the companies significant additional revenue. A study showed which airlines earn extra money in addition to the tick ...
In 2016, the Chinese government ended its famous one-child policy that was implemented more than thirty years ago in a bid to control the overpopulation crisis. In the end, the problem was not solved, ...
Halal tourism is growing rapidly. However, some Muslim tourists are now abandoning popular destinations in favor of more luxurious stays. ...
Last August, Rome crossed the milestone of 1 million arrivals and 2.5 million admissions. This is an increase of 3.45% and 3.25% compared to the same month in 2017. The contribution of foreign visitor ...