Holidaymakers are often used to it – many destinations require to pay a tourist tax. Often the fee is incorporated into the overall fee, for example in an airline ticket, during payment at hotels or a ...
According to the latest figures from the Belgian Statistical Office, Belgian tourism is doing very well. In the Walloon Region, the number of nights booked increased by 5% last year and similar figure ...
Chinese tourism has been growing at an astonishing pace in the past years. At the beginning of the new millennium, 10.5 million overseas trips were made by Chinese tourists. In 2018, the number rose t ...
Last week, Greece was struck by a surprising phenomenon. The seaside resorts of Chalkidiki, in northern Greece, were struck by a tornado which lasted for 20 minutes. Despite the short period of time, ...
Just recently, a photo circulated on the Internet, on which sled dogs ran across a frozen lake. However, the ice cover was unusually thawed at a very early time of the year that the animals were knee- ...