Rio de Janeiro’s City Authority estimates to receive 1.9 million tourists during the Rio carnival, which surpasses last year’s 1.7 million. It also expects to have 7 million people on the city streets ...
In 2019, El Salvador registered 2.6 million arrivals, representing US$ 1.777 million in international tourism receipts, according to estimates by the Ministry of Tourism (MITUR, in Spanish). In 2018, ...
Spain is on its way to set a new record in international tourism receipts accounted for in the balance of payments. From January to October 2019 (the latest figures available), this index registered a ...
Europe has several hidden gems and treasures waiting to be unfolded. But apart from this, there are also several places in Europe that are ready to be discovered by novice and seasoned travelers alike ...
For many years, Slovenia has worked to increase its tourism numbers and reported new records every year. However, lately the arrivals slowed down and the tourism goal set by the authorities is threate ...