During the summer that will be remembered for the COVID-19 pandemic, tourism has had to reinvent itself to save its most important campaign. Travelers were strongly committed to domestic tourism (whic ...
The gaming industry in Macao is facing a critical period. With the end of concessions in 2022, and an unfavorable international political outlook in US-China relations, operators may be forced to adap ...
Since the Corona shutdown, the hospitality industry worldwide has been struggling hard, which is often reflected in short-time work and also increased unemployment for those working in the industry. A ...
The lack of space in large cities is a reality as pressing as the need to have more square meters of green lungs, but also open places for people to enjoy and relax outside. In the search for a soluti ...
The Covid-19 pandemic and border closures have heavily impacted tourism in Tunisia, as in the rest of the world. From January to August of this year 2020, the country recorded the visit of 1 661 843 t ...