Following Germany, Cyprus and Italy, Great Britain announced a VAT reduction from 20% to 5% for all tourist attractions, accommodation, and restaurants, in an effort that will, according to the govern ...
Records in the USA, second wave in Israel, regional lockdowns in holiday destinations such as Spain and Melbourne, Australia: the coronavirus continues to rage. But there is also good news. ...
Last week, major European airlines and airports criticized the lack of coordination in the European Union on the reopening of external borders, despite the fact that the 27 member states had agreed a ...
While Cambodia has officially registered only 141 cases of Covid-19 and no deaths, the Kingdom of Wonders has put in place a whole arsenal of measures for people entering the country, from screening t ...
The summer tourist season in Morocco seems to be in jeopardy, even if the authorities decide to reopen the airspace to international flights. Salvation will come from domestic tourism, but nothing is ...