There was a time when night trains experienced an immense boom and rail travel was the most popular means of transport on the market. Since the introduction of air travel, however, trains, and especia ...
The concept of sustainability has now become one of the main aspects of tourism management, and this paradigm shift is the result of raising awareness about the impact tourism activity has on the envi ...
The Corona crisis has not only massively reduced the number of business trips, it has also noticeably changed the gender ratio of travelers. Business travel has once again become a male domain in rece ...
The last two Secretaries General of the World Tourism Organization, UNWTO, officially and publicly denounced the unacceptable excesses surrounding the election of the next Secretary General for the pe ...
American Airlines joins the airlines that ‘fly to nowhere’. The Texas-based airline is preparing five employee-only trips in the B737 MAX in the hopes of regaining confidence in this aircraft. ...