The hospitality sector of the United Kingdom is "on its knees", according to its representatives. The sector, involving accommodation facilities and companies that provide services to tourists who com ...
Traveling to Russia is a dream of many. The country offers various tourist attractions so it is definitely a great pleasure to visit even some of them. From the warm and luxurious Sochi and big and ex ...
The impact of the pandemic of COVID-19 on tourism in Brazil in the first half of 2021 included 75% of Brazilian tour operators to make less than a quarter of the pre-pandemic period boardings. This da ...
Developing countries are those who are hit more by the impact of the current crisis in tourism, as the slow progress of vaccination keeps away the tourists. Ecuador has begun to reverse that reality w ...
Before the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, halal tourism was experiencing strong growth. Nearly 160 million Muslim tourists traveled in 2019 compared to 42 million travelers in 2020, the latest repo ...