Saudi Arabia is looking to pull up an Emirates rival to boost international transit and tourism.
As local media report, a new airline is planned to be launched in Saudi Arabia. Modeled after Emirates ...
It is well known that as a result of the pandemic, the "80:20 slot rule" was suspended - i.e. the rule that states that an airline must use at least 80 percent of a given slot at the airport, otherwis ...
Given the recent global health crisis, there has been an increase in the adoption of technologies that improve the travel experience and protect everyone involved: airlines, employees and passengers. ...
Foreign travelers arriving by air will soon have to pay an entry fee of 300 baht in Thailand - a little more than US$ 8, and this is likely to start on January 1, 2023, report local media. ...
Kasa Living, the Airbnb like accommodation rental platform, has just released a report revealing that 90% of U.S. travelers prefer limited interaction with hotel staff. ...