The European Commission has surprised airlines, telecommunications operators and passengers around the world by stating that, from now on, airplanes will be able to provide 5G technology during the co ...
"The recovery in passenger traffic paused in October," says Aci Europe, the EU airports trade body, which publishes its monthly air traffic report. ...
Hoteliers in Europe currently see the energy crisis as the biggest challenge as an overwhelming majority (89%) cited energy costs as one of the biggest troubles they face, according to a report by Sta ...
All in all, the year that is about to end is a good one for Quebec City tourism. "Quebecers have not lost the desire to visit their beautiful capital. Among Canadians, there is a demand more than ever ...
October’s results of the tourism in Spain shows that in ten months 11.5 million tourists were lost compared to 2019, which represent 15.4% of the tourists who visited country that year. ...