In 2022, Airbnb has turned the page on the health crisis. Not only did the home rental platform post record levels of business, but it also ended the year in the green, a first in its 15-year history. ...
The city of Amsterdam announced last week that from mid-May it would ban cannabis smoking on the streets of the Red Light District, known for its many brothels and plagued by crime and nuisance. ...
The year 2019 provided great benefits to the Barcelona’s tourism sector, but all areas suffered a great slump with the COVID-19 pandemic. After this, the industry in Barcelona and in other cities is s ...
The Thai government plans to introduce a 300-baht (about US$ 8.7) landing tax for foreign tourists arriving by air, said Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, Thailand's minister of tourism and sports. ...
Passenger numbers at Austria's largest airport, Vienna International Airport, were more than twice as high in January as they were a year ago but have not yet reached the pre-Corona pandemic levels. ...