The hospitality industry, like other business sectors, has been immersed in an evolution in recent years in terms of technology. Hotel digitalization is being carried out to improve the customer exper ...
Data provided by Italian company Vamonos Vacanze show that single cruise travelers spend more than other travelers, 3,654 euros per capita. In fact, they spend 60% more than a family of three, being f ...
For the resumption of cruise ship calls in Monaco in April, the Principality has now chosen to welcome only luxury cruise ships that are less than 250 m long and with a maximum capacity of 1,250 passe ...
In 2022, the Portuguese hotel establishments reached revenues of more than 5 billion euros, an increase of 114.6% compared to the previous year, according to the consulting firm Informa D&B. ...
While travelers increasingly want to travel responsibly, inflation and the energy crisis are holding back their purchasing decisions, says the Booking platform, which unveiled the results of its study ...