In 2022, the hotel and motel industry in the United States recovered and even flourished. Demand was so strong that average daily rates (ADR) increased along with occupancy, setting the stage for a re ...
Travel Revenge, reopening of Asia, budget: in a constantly changing economic context, a new study takes stock of the major global tourism trends in 2023. ...
In 2022, the Colombian economy had a significant capital injection thanks to tourism. The decrease in taxes on the hotel sector and associated services from 19% to 0% and on air tickets to 5%, in addi ...
Mexico is a popular tourist destination, with 45 million international visitors in 2019. However, the country also has a high crime rate, with nine of the world's 10 most dangerous cities located in M ...
According to AirHelp, a company specializing in the defense of the rights of air passengers, since January, more than a third of passengers have faced disruptions on flights in Portugal, which resulte ...