Olivia Grégoire, the Minister Delegate for Tourism, announced that France could expect an "overall excellent" tourist season this summer. The national promotion agency, Atout France, predicts tourism ...
According to the latest Lodging Econometrics (LE) report, 150 new hotels opened in Europe during the first half of 2023, and an additional 265 hotels are expected to be opened by the end of the year. ...
Despite being isolated for almost 50 years, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has just opened a new airport terminal worth half a billion dollars. ...
Since August 1st, Russia's new electronic visa system has resulted in a 25% increase in hotel bookings for tourists compared to the previous month and a 40% increase from last year. ...
The Balearic Islands are becoming increasingly popular among tourists, putting the archipelago's environment, culture, and authenticity at risk. In 2022, over 16 million visitors arrived on the island ...