Since 4 out of 5 Europeans now live in an urban area, it is safe to say that being green and keeping to the fashion of being green are of huge importance. The European attitude towards the environment ...
The worldwide airline industry is actually only responsible for something like 3% of the world’s CO2 emissions. However, planes emit the gases in one of the worst possible places, right up in the sky. ...
Understandably, any new idea or new place anywhere, which evokes any notion of Nazism, provokes inevitable controversy. On Germany’s largest Baltic island of Ruegen, the old resort of Prora is proving ...
Alaska is one of those states that will always retain an aura of mysterious appeal. Its rough character and unrivaled scenic beauty rightfully deserve the highest praise. The pristine clarity of the n ...
Spa tourism presents one of the major branches of this industry and has gained remarkable popularity worldwide. The work-pace is unlikely to slow down in the upcoming months and thus the need to ‘rech ...