This is a passenger announcement. The train on platform one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve has come in sideways.
Despite the claims of some tourism industry optimists, it has been deemed unlikely that American tourists will be travelling more this year. It seems that the effects of the global financial crisis ha ...
Many companies and Retail segments are moving toward an “Experience” titled Executive. The evolution started with our time-tested Marketing and Customer Service titles, moved into Brand and is now fur ...
The year 2010 is already attracting a lot of attention. Millions of impatient football devotees shiver with the idea of the next World Cup taking place in South Africa. However, the year 2010 will be ...
Germany has a number of large metropolitan areas and most of them are well-known all over the world. Leipzig, however, is mostly known for it being the original start of the infamous Berlin Wall... ...