Protecting the environment has become one of the most crucial campaigns around the globe. More and more scientists, organizations and initiatives are fighting to raise the alarm and make the wider pub ...
It is a common mistake in the tourism industry all over the planet: to think that today’s version of the most popular industry on the planet is limited to huge metropolis areas or seaside resorts. A v ...
When most people are told about a camping holiday, almost everybody would think of a tent stuck somewhere in the middle of a cozy camp site. However, thanks to a number of innovations in the travel ac ...
The IATA, International Air Travel Association, has recently released its forecast for the new year. As perhaps expected in the wake of the turbulence of 2008, the forecast for 2009 is not extremely p ...
Conflicts and crisis are part of our everyday lives. They have always been here and they always will. How do they impact the tourism industry? There are the recent terrorist acts in India and protests ...