A large two engined train was crossing America. After they had gone some distance one of the engines broke down. "No problem," the engineer thought, and carried on at half power.
To go on a luxurious holiday in the currently weak economic times seems a folly. There is no need to deprive oneself of the joy – what matters is where to go. South Korean Seoul is one of the most ide ...
A rather curious development project is currently under way in Badagry, Nigeria. Not only is it to become a multi-billion theme park commemorating former slaves, but also, will be dedicated to the Jac ...
After six long years of waiting, the Iraq Museum finally opened its doors – some appear to believe it is not in a presentable state yet, however, the country’s Prime Minister Nouri Maliki believed oth ...
ETC releases their quarterly report “European Tourism 2009: Trends & Prospects” The new trends for the European travel industry show both optimism and some even more worrying times ahead. ...