The organizers of the Oberammergau Passion Play, a German reconstruction of the events around 2000 years ago in the Middle East, are getting ready for the 41st season. The event in the Bavarian villa ...
Although fares are currently quite low for cruise trips in America’s most northern state, the demand is dropping too – at quite an alarming rate. Revenue has been down as much as 40% in recent times. ...
The United Arab Emirates certainly is an interesting tourism destination. Everyone can see the huge investments in tourism infrastructure and attractions. However, one sector obviously does not lure a ...
Dropping levels of animals as well as unethical behavior of hunters made Namibia suspend issuing of hunting permits although the industry represents an essential part of the country’s income. ...
A former soviet sanatorium in Latvian seaside resort of Jurmala still manages to lure visitors. Tourists wiling to pay may experience a vacation in a facility that was used by the highest ranking sovi ...