Visby is a true magnet for history lovers and medieval enthusiasts. Located on the biggest of Swedish islands, Gotland, it attracts some 100,000 visitors each year. ...
Global economy is ailing and so is the international tourism. The number of tourists has declined sharply around the world in year to year comparison. Middle East is among those hardly hit but the UNW ...
Bolivians have decided to make an ancient pyramid Akapana more attractive to tourists. They, however, used adobe instead of stone for its reconstruction and now the site may lose its UNESCO World Heri ...
The European Travel Commission has announced its 3rd quarterly report about the state of tourism on the continent. The results are not promising yet the end of the recession may be nigh and hotels and ...
Outside the United States, mentioning Kentucky evokes images of deep-fried chicken. Inside the country, mentioning Kentucky means one of the top three coal producing states in the last 50 years. This ...