World Travel Market has asked some of the worldwide travel industry's most senior executives to predict the next three decades of the travel and tourism industry. Here they predict a number of trends ...
Lake Baikal in southern Siberia, Russia, is the largest freshwater basin in Eurasia. It is also the deepest continental body of water on Earth, containing one-fifth of the fresh water on Earth's surfa ...
Travelers keen on getting familiar with any culture know they either have to spend long time in the given region or they need to get closer with the locals. A Nepalese village has opened its doors to ...
Brazilian ‘favelas’ have been a popular attraction for tourists coming to the country for some time. Critics point out the negative effects of slum tours on the lives of local people. ...
More than two hundred years ago the Napoleon’s most famous battle took place. The battle of Austerlitz was fought in the present day Czech Republic near the city of Brno. Every year hundreds of enthus ...