Industrial tourism has a good chance to become one of the most popular niche markets in Russia. This opinion is shared by many tour operators highlighting the growing demand of tourists to visit Russi ...
China wants the famous Bird’s Nest to be profitable. The Olympics venue is becoming less attractive with time and it struggles to lure visitors and investors. To boost its profitability the owners dec ...
Economic crises hit Egypt pretty hard at the beginning of this year but the situation has improved during the rest of the year and in 2010 Egyptians expect to come back to positive growth. ...
St. Gallen is one of those places that strike everyone on first looking – its setting, architecture, history and culture create an aura of perfection and one cannot help but take St. Gallen as such. ...
Sylt may not be one of European tourist hot-spots per-say, though this island is an incredibly charming holiday destination which attracts thousands of visitors each year. Its picturesque beauty melts ...