Too much of confidence behind Australian tourism is beginning to hit the world’s second largest island hard. Not only are fewer tourists attracted to Australia, yet also cheap offers from airlines are ...
On 15th of July, a bill legalizing same-sex marriage was passed in Argentina thus making it the first Latin American country to do so. It comes as no surprise that an already popular holiday destinati ...
The Emirates airline has recently announced that as of 1st September, they would service a crucial link between West Africa and Asia, the Senegalese capital Dakar will be connected to Dubai via a dire ...
Because of the bad economic situation and drop in numbers of tourists more and more Irish pubs have problems. Their income is lowering and some of them are forced to close down. ...
An Italian islet Montecristo, which is known from the book Count of Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas, will be more open to tourists as the authorities try to gain more funds. ...