European tourism suffered great losses in 2009 because inefficient visa procedures discouraged many tourists all over the world from visiting Europe last year. The European Tour Operators Association ...
A Latvian restaurant offers an unforgettable experience. The staff wears hospital uniforms and rooms are equipped as in hospital. Guests use scalpels and syringes to eat and beer is served in urine ca ...
Visitors of the only Portuguese national park Peneda-Gerês usually admire beautiful scenery or the remains of Roman civilization. However, they can also ride a horse, go kayaking or even play paintbal ...
Many tourists, mainly from neighboring USA, now consider Mexico to be a bargain and not the dangerous drug-ridden country it has often been depicted in the media. ...
Tourism Australia has recently teamed up with YouTube on a fascinating project to help promote Australia - this time the lure is the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. ...