The revolution that swept over North Africa together with a military campaign against Libya has an entirely unexpected effect: European tourists are afraid to go on vacation to Turkey. ...
Flying has been part of people’s lives for many years now and the same applies to aviophobia, the irrational fear of flying. Unfortunately, not many people who are afraid of flying believe the statist ...
The region around the confluence of rivers Rhine and Moselle is wonderful. There are castles, pubs, vineyards, simply things tourists are fond of. North Rhine-Westphalia is definitely worth visiting. ...
People bored with traditional holidays at seaside may enjoy trips to the polar zone on board a Russian ice-breaker. The ‘cruise’ involves sleeping in a crowded cabin and other ‘benefits’ of a journey ...
The financial aftershocks of the recent Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster are being felt in many countries, not least in Hawaii where losses could reach hundreds of millions of dollars ...