Financial crisis as well as the revolutions and riots in Africa have a negative impact on the tourism industry. However, the Slovak Association of Travel Agents expects that this year will bring bette ...
Damaged roads, piles of garbage on the main streets, irregular supply of hot water or in some cases non-existent sewerage and water supply – this is the life in Bucharest according to a study by an Eu ...
Trade shows have long been seen as an important marketing tool for a large number of industries that need to exhibit their products to a specific audience. ...
Despite improving rapidly in terms of tourism, it has been revealed that Vietnam is still lagging behind its Asian and European counterparts. The blame has been placed on poor marketing and a general ...
Hungary is one of the fastest growing MICE powers around, even surpassing pre-crisis levels and attracting more and more foreign visitors to such events. The popularity of MICE is now spreading all ar ...