Foreign visitors who wish to visit and stay in Beijing for less than three days may in future no longer require to apply for a visa. Recently, the official China daily newspaper reported that authorit ...
It is expected about 5000 football fans from UK will travel for EURO 2012 this year, while in 2010 to visit Fifa World Cup South Africa travelled about 10 000 UK football fans. "Stay at home, watch i ...
Canada has formally withdrawn from the UNWTO (United Nation World Tourism Body) after the body invited President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe to become a global leader in the tourism sphere. The UN body, ...
The tourism sector is one of the most important facets of a country's economy. Whether or not that system is dying, investments must be made to boost its overall performance. Russia seems to be in a g ...
For the month of May, hotels in some premier countries have begun to raise their overnight rates because of the heavy influx of tourists. This is a telling sign that vacation season at its peak. Furth ...