China needs to be recognized through a holistic, balanced and humble view. To be able to do a thorough review of the country, the best aspect to consider is the flying aspect. How well or bad has the ...
Sales at airports are increasing more so than in the high street over the past few years, therefore chains are now focusing their efforts in having a presence here first, than anywhere else. Stores li ...
Sri Lanka’s tourism has a serious obstacle in current time. ” Entrepreneurs” from other countries are taking advantage of Sri Lanka’s location by using it as a means of illegal drugs hub..
Statistic ...
Over the past few years, the Chinese has been branded as the world’s most sought after traveler. As a result, major hotel brands are bending over backward to make sure that the Chinese tourist’s needs ...
Valencia, Spain is becoming one of the top tourist spots in the Mediterranean due to the developing port for cruise ships. The city will be one of the main stop overs for tourists, especially those in ...