Glasgow is famed for its delicacy, the fried Mars Bar and the infamous orange beverage, Iron Bru. Suffice to say, with such a duo of delights under its belt, Glasgow is the Scottish home of tasty trea ...
Despite the increased tourism in Bali, there is a problem with reduced water resources which are essential to maintain the facilities needed by tourists. According to a recent survey, little has been ...
Australia's tourism industry is out of money, out of rooms and having trouble finding and keeping workers. This makes competing with their Asian competition extremely difficult. This is the latest new ...
Hotels have been forced to come up with ways of keeping up with the emerging trends. They have improved their interior designs greatly and brought in more amenities and appliances. Some have also inve ...
Chinese are on the break of becoming the world biggest spenders as they are on verge of surpassing the Americans and the Germans with their tourist expenditures. It is caused by the expanding middle c ...