There are big plans underway for the future of Moscow's airports and aviation industry with numerous ideas being put into action in order to transform Ramenskoe into another international airport for ...
More British tourists than ever are looking further afield to Vietnam for their holidays, according to a recent report from the British Post Office.
With 12 million tourists visiting the region in 2011, four countries in South East Asia are set to establish a new single visa zone to encourage intraregional travel and attract 25 million internation ...
Spanish tourism is set to get a boost in the coming decades thanks to the development of two brand new resorts - the Eurovegas casino in Madrid and the aptly named Barcelona World on the outskirts of ...
Three years ago, Japan Airlines (JAL) fell into bankruptcy after 50 years of service as Japan's premier airline established in 1951. Unfortunately, an inefficient and aging fleet of planes and an unwo ...