Recent data have revealed that much to the surprise of many, it is actually the travel and tourism industry in Russia that provides the nation with a larger portion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) tha ...
There has been an explosion in domestic travel and a fast growing middle class created by the Chinese economy. One hotel chain is expanding so fast taking opening new properties in every two days and ...
While many people enjoy traveling with family, other vacationers can be quickly frustrated with a constant stream of young children. Adults who go on holiday usually seek out locations where there are ...
No one could actually think that all those old hotel pillowcases that are discarded so regularly could actually have a second life – what more, a really useful second life. ...
According to the Department of Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez, Jr., foreign tourist arrivals in the Philippines are expected to increase by 18 percent more than last year. It is expected that 4.5 mil ...