A report by Invest in Australia has revealed that the domestic tourism industry is experiencing a boom in the country. According to the study, domestic tourists have increased their overnight trips to ...
Business travel growth in the U.S. is expected to be low for the end of the year according to a recent report by the GBTA. Due to the economic turmoil currently in Europe, slow growth in China as well ...
Sarong Campaign launched by Kuala Lumpur Convention Center has attracted international audience from all over the world to Malaysia. Recently the campaign won gold, after facing challenging competitio ...
Uppsala, an ancient town in Sweden, is home to 535-year old university. Founded in 1477 the university is considered one of the oldest in Europe hence it attracts tourists interested in the famous his ...
Tourism has always been big business for Greece because it has so much to offer and, as a result, one fifth of employment is based in the industry and it accounts for 16% of output. In June of 2012, e ...