While Cuba is not always thought of a place where tourists flock, the Cuban ministry of tourism has recently predicted that they are expecting around 3 million tourists by the year 2013. A vast majori ...
Friends of the Earth, an environmental association, has released their 2012 Cruise-Ship-Report-Card, grading 15 key cruise lines and more than 140 cruise ships for their impact on air and water pollut ...
India is expecting a boom in its tourism sector within the next five years. According to government projections in its 12th Plan for 2012-17, the tourism sector should grow by at least 12 percent. ...
There's no denying that Essaouira in Morocco is a laid back city with a great swing. Its amazing fortifications, unique miles of white sandy beaches and its light blue waters seem to have been taken f ...
The Philippines is turning to India as a promising source market of travelers. ...