The economy gets better and new hotels construction begins. Smith Travel Research reported that in the U.S. 18.5 percent more hotels are under construction, as of last April. As building perks up, hot ...
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) revised downward its global industry outlook for 2013 to $11.7 billion from the June projection of $12.7 as the performance of the airlines continued ...
Research published by PricewaterhouseCoopers US (PwC) in their Annual Corporate Directors Survey (quarter three 2013) has aptly demonstrated that today's company directors now recognize the increasing ...
In the dispute about climate warming the EU faced a large part of the world in recent years, including the USA, China, Russia and India. They did not accept the EU's emissions trading system which mea ...
A recent study by Globe Shopper City Index revealed that the favorite city for shopping among tourists is London. However, Madrid and Barcelona share their leadership in other categories as well. ...